Allergen extracts are multifaceted mixture of allergenic and non-allergenic substances which includes proteins, glycoproteins, lipids, polysaccharides, low molecular weight metabolites, pigments, and salts.
Neuroprotective products, also called as neuroprotective agents are medications that aid in the protection of brain neurons from injury and early degeneration of neuron cells.
Forest equipment tire are manufactured especially for forestry and construction purposes. There are various types of tires such as pneumatic tires, solid tires, and polymer-based tires.
Timing belt is a non-slipping mechanical drive belt used to drive the camshaft within an internal combustion engine.
Open stack is a cloud computing platform that allows the users to effectively plug and play components primarily for utility in Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
Total logistics approach is to achieve a strategic alliance through a performance based on optimizing innovation and improving services, as well as to reduce cost to customer outsourcing, and improve profits to outsource provider.
Echocardiography is a test that uses sound waves to produce live images of your heart. The image is called an echocardiogram.
The military sensors cybersecurity solutions are advanced components/devices that are used for monitor data traffic, identifies and detects threats, analyses stealthy characteristic signs of malware, etc., and alert the system in case of any attack.
Indwelling urinary catheter (IUC) is a closed sterile system with a catheter and retention balloon that is inserted either through the urethra or suprapubically to allow for bladder drainage.
The global smart paint roller market is high highly competitive due to presence of large number of players and innovative product offerings
White chocolate is made up of milk solids, cocoa butter, and sugar. The benefits of white chocolate are few as compared to dark chocolate.
A baby crib is a bed designed to provide sleeping accommodations for an infant and used in child care facility.
Covid-19 vaccine development is witnessing higher pace due to rise in number of patients across the globe and high mortality rate.
Necrotizing pancreatitis is a condition where parts of the pancreas die and may get infected, such complication is called as acute pancreatitis. Necrotizing pancreatitis occurs when pancreatic tissue dies due to inflammation.
Home non-invasive ventilation (NIV) is frequently implemented to correct nocturnal alveolar hypoventilation in a number of chronic respiratory diseases.
FeNO stands for fractional exhaled nitric oxide and the test measures the levels of nitric oxide in the persons breathe. A high level of nitric oxide in the air you breathe out can be a sign of inflamed airways.
An HCG rapid test checks human chorionic gonadotropin levels in the blood or urine. The test is mostly done during pregnancy and the measurement means whether a woman is pregnant, as well as whether their body is producing the right level of pregnancy hormones.
A digital impression is a digital scan that creates a map of your teeth which allows you and your dentist to view your teeth on a computer screen.
The universal lateral flow assay (LFA) kit is designed to enable the easy development of customized sandwich lateral flow assays. The advantage associated with this kit involves easy adaptability to any pair for capture and detection of antibodies.
The global excimer laser market is high highly competitive due to presence of large number of players and innovative product offerings.